3rd European Conference on NanoFilms & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference:
Microstructural and Chemical Characterization in the Nanoscale
The Al-NanoFunc Final Conference was organized as a joint activity with the partner institution VINF (Virtual Institute of Nanofilms) from 7 to 11th July in Seville. The event was organized in a Conference format fully open to the scientific community worldwide. The final conference had a total of 83 full participants.
The topics highlighted in Seville were Nanofilms & Nanoparticles for sustainable energy conversion and storage, following the strategic research lines for sustainability of the advanced laboratory. This includes third generation photovoltaic materials, hydrogen storage and production and catalysis for sustainable energy which are also main topics of interest of the Andalusian stakeholders.
To emphasize on the last trends in electron Nanoscopies in the Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, a special session devoted to advanced techniques for electron nanoscopies and spectroscopies was organized, counting with the participation of the experts from the different institutions in Al-NanoFunc NCC and of very prestigious invited speakers.
Checkout the abstract book:
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