Roland Schierholz visited the Ernst-Ruska Center of the Forschungs Zentrum Jülich from 1st to 24th august
Goal of this stay was to use the microsopy and TEM-sample preparation facilities within the Al-NanoFunc advanced research projects “Particles & voids: the effects of introducing nanoparticles and/or nanoporosity on the optical properties of thin films” and “Photonic nanostructures” running under the ERC-grant A084 and A097.
Main part of the work was the microstructural and chemical characterization of porous Si-films produced by magnetron sputtering and optical resonators with open porosity including particles in the mesoporous defect layer.
We would like to acknowledge the FIB sample preparations by Doris Meertens for this as well as the collaboration of Martial Duchamps and András Kovacs.